Monday, January 26, 2015

Every Day a Holiday

The holiday season is over … decorations are put away, schedules have settled back into a more normal pace, new gifts and toys aren’t so new anymore. 

Chances are the steady flow of urgent appeal letters from charitable organizations has dwindled to a trickle. Food drives and toy drives have gone away.  ‘Adopted’ families are left to their own devises once again.

People and families are not just hungry at Christmas-time. Children need clothes and shoes and coats all of the time. Charitable organizations pursue their missions and do their work all through the year.

         Ever see the calendars where every day is a holiday?

Well … people are hungry every day. People are homeless every day. Children go to school hungry every day ill-prepared for learning. The Christmas season is the season of giving? Every season should be a season of giving to those less fortunate.

Why not make your calendar a perpetual giving calendar? After all … every day is a holiday somewhere!