There is a well-known saying by President John F. Kennedy:
“Anyone can do something and everyone should try”. How short and crisp and to-the-point this
saying is - yet how poignant at the same time!
Living in a good and healthy community is what we all want. In order to make this a reality, it takes the
effort of everyone doing their part to hold up their end and make their
contribution. It’s easy to complain that
this or that needs fixing, or this or that should be done, or this person or
that person should be doing more. Just
as the saying goes that it takes a village to raise child, so too does it takes
all those living in the village to make the village a good and healthy one.
We are all born with talents of some kind. Be they simple
talents or ones employing great skills – the point is they all count and are
all needed. We need to use them. Likewise, we all have some amount of
discretionary time available. We should
be using at least a little bit of it for the betterment of the whole. Find a way to get involved that is meaningful
to you and helpful to all. You will feel
good about not being a couch potato anymore!