Thursday, December 19, 2013

Warding Off Disaster

One of the hottest topics in the non-profit, community benefit area these days is that of preparing for the unthinkable and unplanned occurrences that may befall our organizations. We live in a very unpredictable world today as you know.  This sometimes is the result of Mother Nature herself via ultra-severe hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, wide-spread power outages, and the like.  Other times it is the result of the lack of stability in our geo-political situation worldwide from terrorists attacks and bombings such as 9-11. 

Nevertheless, because our non-profit, community benefit organizations are so important to the lifeblood of our communities, we all need to be prepared with risk management and business continuation plans so that the valuable services we provide can go on seamlessly in case these disaster situations should occur.  This is so important that now the preparation of a risk management and business continuation plan is considered a best practice and is virtually a MUST for community benefit organizations to develop.  Be pro-active, be preventative, and be one-step ahead of disaster!!

If you do not already have a risk management and business continuation plan for your organization, you would do well to get started on establishing one now.  If you need help in finding model risk management and business continuation plans, we can help you locate one.